What is a Support Boat ?
What does a Support Boat Do?
Thursday 25th April – 7 pm
In an ongoing effort to ensure the safety of all our water users, Martin Humphreys will be taking you through a presentation on Thursday 25th April at 7 pm to highlight the role of the support boats. The presentation is aimed at all those who want to find out more about the role of the support boat and its importance in the events we run at the club with a view of encouraging more people to get involved.
The presentation will cover, what sailors can expect from a support boat if it is needed in an emergency. What the support boat will be able to help with? And also, from a sailor’s perspective, what the support boat would need a sailor to do in case of emergency?
It's important to note that Power Boat Training doesn’t prepare you for what could possibly be needed as part of the support boat crew. For example, how to help right a capsized dinghy, how to tow a dinghy through the run, how to recover a sailor in the water and land them safely onto the support boat etc. The presentation aims to cover the theory of these scenarios and give a clearer understanding of , in the very unlikely event that a rescue is needed, what you may be called upon to do.
Areas that will be covered include the following:
What is a support boat?
What does the Race duty team do to prepare?
Equipment on the support boat
Basic recovery methods
Attending capsized boats
Cold Water Shock.
Q and A's
In the future, we plan to follow the presentation with some practical training. Including, taking out the support boats to practice recovery of dinghies that have capsized, towing dinghies, and the recovery of people from the water.
The bar will also be open so we hope to see lots of you there.
Pls book on webcollect at