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Sustainable Future for HSC   




Sustainable Policy Statement 


Highcliffe Sailing Club is committed to a sustainable policy which recognises the need for environmental protection in our water sports and social activities. 













What does Sustainability mean to us?  In simple terms, it means future proofing Highcliffe Sailing Club.  We need to find a balance between growth, environmental care and social well-being that will fulfil our current needs whilst protecting the needs of future generations. 

We enjoy the beauty of Christchurch Harbour,  an important Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) designated both for its biological and geological interest.  It needs respecting and protecting.


In short, we need to minimise the impact of our sport on the environment so that we ensure the Club's legal, financial and operational position remains viable.


Sustainability is more than just getting better at recycling.  It aims to increase awareness of our actions and empower us to seek ways to consume less, waste less and achieve, over time, a cumulative net zero impact on land, water and atmosphere.


Do it properly, and everyone is a winner. 










What can we do?    Many things.  We are looking at our sustainability goals in the short, medium and long-term.  Some will be quick fixes (changing bulbs to LED), some will be complicated (feasibility studies for solar panels), some need more involved projects (educating and encouraging behaviour changes like the way the RIBs are driven), but ALL will require support from our Membership.








The contents of this page will change regularly as we update the projects and provide you with information to help support and encourage everyone to achieve the Club's goals. If anyone would like to get involved with any element of this important drive for sustainability, please contact  









* source:

Did you know? using outboard engines like ours, a 3 hour RIB duty might emit the same CO2 as 60 hours of driving a modern car and the pollutants from driving it for 150 hours or more*
Did you know? Even relatively modern four-stroke outboard engines like ours typically deliver only around 5% - 20% of the mpg of a typical modern car with the same-sized engine*
Did you know?  that RIB2 weighs 700kg - imagine that with 2 people onboard plus all the anchors and the engine .. you are asking the outboard to propel a tonne of weight ...
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HSC embraces the 
Green Blue Pledge
Respect - Protect - Enjoy

As we collect more consumption data on how we, as members, use the club, we will update this page.
Now, for what we can do right now, and what we are doing already!!

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Clubhouse and dinghy/kayak park needs to meet or even, if possible, exceed the minimum environmental legislative requirements.


Minimise the use of water in our activities - areas to improve - turning off taps not in use, smaller hose nozzles, members taking shorter showers


Fuel use support boats - This is one of the biggest expenses for both the Club and the environment - optimise acceleration 



Minimise the use of electricity in our activities - areas to improve - turning off lights, replacing light bulbs with energy efficient ones, using energy efficient appliances


Take a sustainable approach to all events - Social, sailing, paddling - minimising (or even stopping) single use plastic including for decorations and prizes


Recycle as much waste as possible - areas to concentrate on clearly labelling bins, providing more bins, take more care with hazardous waste


Take into consideration the environmental credentials of our suppliers


Sustainable HSC Actions


Promote local environmental information - inform members of SSSI areas & no anchor areas etc - strengthen mutually beneficial links with other harbour stakeholders who also embrace the sustainability ethos.


Support boats refuelling - this needs to be done safely & spill free to avoid pollution and waste  - areas to concentrate on - using spill kits and training


Join local beach clean groups and work with the local community to clear the boat park, quay and shores


Sustainable HSC Projects

LED upgrade


On going...

The Maintenance Team has an on-going project to change all of the light bulbs in the Club to LED.  They have changed over 60% of them already.


Did you know? LEDs – or light emitting diodes – are more energy efficient that traditional halogen bulbs lasting five times longer and using 80% less energy to produce the same amount of light


An LED bulb will also use 75% less energy on average compared to a standard fluorescent bulb. 


Energy Audit -on going



Our Sustainability Team is embarking on project to measure our energy, water and fuel consumption.  They will be building an overall picture of how we use the Club, will be testing all the appliances in the bar, galley and Clubhouse to find the energy hungry appliances and will report back. 


Graph to the right gives an idea of the amount of fuel we used over a 3 month period this year.  It's quite eye opening...

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learning to use less...

This is 2 fold project - on and off the water.  In the Clubhouse we need to find ways to use less packaging, avoid all single use plastic, learn to do more recycling, to change our habits by turning off appliances at the wall,  making efficient use of the Club heating, taking shorter showers etc.  The Social Team are already making HUGE steps forward ensuring that Social Events are as sustainable as possible - they are using old jam jars as candle holders, using re-usable table cloths, and decorations made from items found on woodland rambles - even the napkins were sourced from an ethical supplier.  We still improving signage to gently nudge members to think about their actions. We will provide more recycling bins and information to help. We intend to invoke a general increase in awareness.  For this to be successful, we need everyone's help.


learning to use less ....

Part 2 intends to address our on the water habits.  Did you know? There are optimum speeds which will reduce fuel consumption on board our RIBS.  Learning not to floor it, but accelerate gently up on to the plane makes a big difference.  Also, for the harbour using the Rigiflex over the RIB will also impact our fuel use, the RIBs are very thirsty and polluting.  Did you know?  that RIB2 weighs 700kg - imagine that with 2 people and all the anchors and the engine .. you are asking the outboard to propel a tonne of weight ...  

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Care = Longevity

HSC Maintenance Team already work hard to ensure our hire equipment is regularly maintained and repaired to ensure it has a long life span. We aim to implement a policy Equipment that is still usable but no longer needed will be upcycled, sold or recycled wherever possible.  Again, if we look after our hire equipment and the Clubhouse together and report any breakages we can extend the lifespan of our gear and make the Maintenance Team's life a lot easier!

Pollution Avoidance

respecting the SSSI

We are really lucky to be able to enjoy our water sports in such a beautiful and special area. However, we need to be very mindful of not-polluting the harbour, run and bay with spillages, lost water bottles and rubbish over the side or polluting the air with over exuberant outboard use. When out on the water bring all your rubbish back, in case of spillage when refuelling use spill kits/and or clean-up.  Members and Maintenance Team need to take care with hazardous waste. 


Ethical Suppliers

Go local, Go green

Moving forward, we will endeavour to source materials and products locally thereby reducing emissions and positively influencing the local economy.  The Social Team already source some items from ethical recycling providers. 

Appliance Upgrades

When new products, electrical appliances or equipment are to be  purchased, the Sustainability Team will consider their efficiency and energy consumption. These will be factored into any decisions made.


Highcliffe Sailing Club Ltd

Highcliffe Sailing Club Ltd 

Sea Vixen 

Mudeford Quay 


Dorset -  BH23 4AB 

Tel - 01425 274 874


Company No. 11218056

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